One day insert was walking in a flower garden while looking at the sky. However this flower garden was the next target for the evil demon, chewyy... i mean shukaku.... wait no i mean kyuubi. Insert was unaware of this because he was too happy being a student... He thought.. Finally i will soon be the ultra leet hax class gennin... although he was failing. Anyways, he didnt know a single jutsu and his kunais he threw would always come back and hit him in the head. Shortly after he sat down on a bench he heard a loud roar. "Hmm that must be my mom, ill stay here while she comes to me", thought insert. The ground split open and a giant orange fox with white... i mean red eyes popped out. Blinded by the sand kicked up insert said... "Mom is that you?" and he hurried and ran towards the demon.
Mclovin World Says: he just hacked menzu and changed my name and put me in cloud agian