I could give small examples if you want. Like here would be a VERY small jutsu
mob/Jutsu//Defines waht type of verb it is so the usr doesnt start out with it verb//defines that its a verb Housenka()//The verbs name if(usr.chakra > = 5)//Makes sure the user has atleast 5 chakra if(usr.firing)//Makes sure the user isnt firing return//stops him from doing the jutsu usr.firing=1//Makes the usr firing so he cant spam the jutsu usr.chakra -= 5//Minuses 5 chakra var/obj/Housenka/A = new//Makes the housenka A.loc = usr.loc//makes the housenka on the usr A.name="[usr.name]"//makes the housenkas name the users name A.dir=usr.dir//makes the housenkas dir the users dir walk(A,usr.dir)//makes the housenka move in the dir the usrs is facing usr.firing=0//stops firing the jutsu else//if usr doesnt have 5 chakra usr<<"You do not have enough chakra! chakra cost: 5"//tells him obj Housenka//obj's name icon = 'Housenka.dmi''//obj's icon icon_state = "Housenka"//obj's icon_state Bump(mob/M)//when the obj bumps into a mob var/damage = 10//sets the damage to 10 M.Health -= damage//damages the mob it bumps into
dam Menzu....how u memorize all that. when i tried coding i got such a big head ache that after a slamed my head on the keyboard i got QWERTYUIOP ASDFG embedded on my forehead
This would be(If you insert this code in there instead of its old loc) A.loc = locate(usr.x+1,usr.y-1,usr.z) You can vary from alot of things(X+1 = 1 tile east, Y+1 = one step north)